The Story

Our Triune God continues to bless our churches with strength to fight against principalities and powers. We are emboldened by the Great Commission to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus in all the ends of the earth.

Our Triune God continues to bless our churches with strength to fight against principalities and powers. We are emboldened by the Great Commission to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus in all the ends of the earth.

Our History

Like all created institutions, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches is a community that abides in time.

The Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) was officially established in 1998 at its first presbytery meeting. The CREC’s identity is deeply rooted in historical Reformed traditions and shaped by events long before its formation. In the early 20th century, shifts within Presbyterianism, including the modification of the Westminster Confession and the creation of the Federal Council of Churches, led to significant theological debates and the emergence of fundamentalism.

The CREC seeks to uphold traditional Reformed distinctives, resisting fundamentalist and modernist trends that dilute doctrinal purity and ecclesiastical structures. Throughout the 20th century, fundamentalism and modernism influenced American Protestantism, leading to a departure from historic creeds, confessions, and church polity.

Despite these trends, confessionalists within denominations like the Christian Reformed Church and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church remained committed to their doctrinal heritage. The CREC emerged in the late 20th century seeking to recover a Reformed Catholic vision, emphasizing the importance of creeds, confessions, and liturgies.

Since its inception, the CREC has grown from representing three churches to over 130 worldwide. The denomination is committed to maintaining its Reformed faith, avoiding the pitfalls of cultural relevance and political compromise that destroys our doctrinal integrity. The CREC continues to pray for strength and guidance as it navigates its mission in the modern world.


Our Future

We are not a series of inconsequential paradigms put together randomly to bolster the appeal of the masses. No, we are a consistent theological body that lives out our theology.

Looking ahead, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) is committed to nurturing a humble yet bold ecclesiastical presence. Positioned at the forefront of cultural and political discourse, the CREC prioritizes the centrality of the church and Biblical orthodoxy. The denomination is dedicated to providing robust pastoral training and fostering a hospitable community that draws people to the life of the Church through shared meals and discipleship.

The CREC plans to deepen its theological foundations, ensuring that pastors are well-versed in scripture and capable of engaging effectively with societal challenges. The focus remains on building a resilient church that balances tradition with active engagement with the public square, aiming to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus in every square inch.

By worshiping the Triune God, the CREC strives to be a beacon of hope and a source of meaningful change in the home, the Church, and culture while staying loyal to its Reformed heritage and submitting to the head of the Church, Jesus Christ.


Our Leadership

Rev. Dr. Uriesou Brito serves as the Senior Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, FL, a role he has held since 2009.

Originally from Northeastern Brazil, Dr. Brito has resided in the United States for over 25 years. He holds a B.A. in Pastoral Studies from Clearwater Christian College and both an M.Div. and a D.Min. in Pastoral Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando.

Dr. Brito is a prolific author and editor, having worked on several books, including “The Church-Friendly Family,” “The Trinitarian Father,” and commentaries on Ruth and Jonah. He contributed to “The Failed Church” and wrote “The War of the Priesthood.” He is an active writer for various magazines and online platforms such as the Journal of Religious Leadership, Theopolis Blog, and Fight Laugh Feast Magazine. He founded Kuyperian Commentary, an online resource for essays and podcasts.

In addition to his pastoral duties, Dr. Brito serves on the boards of the Theopolis Institute and New Saint Andrews College and is the Senior Fellow for Pastoral Theology at the Center of Cultural Leadership. On September 28, 2023, he was elected as the Presiding Minister of Council for the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) for a three-year term.

Dr. Brito has been married to his wife, Melinda, for twenty years, and they have five children: Abigail, Ezekiel, Ephraim, Elijah, and Ezra.